This book tells the story of a Little Albatross and his parents. The story follows the baby from a young age when it is snuggled up in the nest with its mother or father whilst the other parent will go out to hunt for fish. As the Little Albatross gets older the parents decide that he will be safe by himself and they both go off to hunt for fish. However, unbeknown to the parent there is a killer bird watching and waiting for the opportunity to catch the Little Albatross.
Reader's Reviews[]
With important themes such as danger, emotions and family wrapped up within the text the story keeps you on the edge of your seat waiting to see what happens to the Little Albatross. This is a beautiful book where the illustrations enhance the story by clearly showing the mood on each page. This book would be good for children in Key Stage 1, and could be used to show different emotions and different points of view. This book could also be used for parents to share with their children.
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Parental Guidance[]
- Reading Age: 4-7
- Reading Aloud Age:
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