Classic story of a young girl who lives high in the Swiss Alps. Heidi lives a simple life with her Alm-Uncle, Peter the goat-boy and his blind grandmother, then has a chance to live the city life in Frankfurt, where she meets wheelchair-boud Clara. Her childlike view of life has a great influence on everybody else.
Reader's Reviews[]
This is a lovely book. It will obviously appeal more to girls than boys, but I'd recommend it for both. Heidi brings great wisdom through her simple, innocent approach to life, which melts the hearts of the other characters in the book, and will do the same for any reader too.
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Parental Guidance[]
- Reading Age: 10+
- Reading Aloud Age: 10+ (Would be quite a challenge to read-aloud, because it's quite a long book)
If you like this you might like[]
- Treasures of the Snow is another great book set in the Alps, but with quite a different theme.